Welcome to ConocoPhillips, where innovation and excellence create a platform for opportunity and growth. Come realize your full potential here.

Who We Are

We are one of the world’s largest independent exploration and production companies, based on proved reserves and production of liquids and natural gas. With operations and activities in 13 countries, we explore for, develop, and produce crude oil and natural gas globally. We are challenged with an important job to safely find and deliver energy to the world. Our employees are critical to our success, and with them we power civilization.

We’re grounded by our SPIRIT Values – safety, people, integrity, responsibility, innovation, and teamwork. These values position us to deliver strong performance in a dynamic business – but not at all costs. We believe it’s not just what we do – it’s how we do it – that sets us apart.

Fostering an Inclusive Work Environment

To deliver superior performance, we create an environment that respects the contributions and differences of every individual. Wherever possible, we use these differences to drive competitive business advantage, personal growth and, ultimately, create business success.

Job Summary

ConocoPhillips jobber langsiktig og ønsker å bidra til å gi den nødvendige kompetansen til lærevillig ungdom som satser på en framtid innen energiindustrien.

Position Overview

ArbeidsoppgaverI henhold til læreplanen


Læretid24 måneder

Krav til kvalifikasjoner• Nødvendige tillatelser til å bo og arbeide i Norge på permanent basis uten restriksjoner.• Ansettelse betinger at du fullfører og består VG2 Service, sikkerhet og administrasjon før tiltredelse.

Personlige egenskaper• fokus på sikkerhet• praktisk anlagt i forhold til tekniske fag• gode samarbeidsevner• ansvarsbevissthet• åpenhet og ærlighet• gode norsk og engelsk kunnskaper er en forutsetning for ansettelse

AnnetConocoPhillips kan tilby konkurransedyktig lønn og ansattgoder.

Spørsmål angående stillingen eller søknadsprosessen kan rettes til: COPNORecruiting@conocophillips.com

I FELTET "MY EXPERIENCE", LASTER DU KUN OPP SØKNADSBREV, CV, VITNEMÅL OG ATTESTER I "RESUME/CV" - ikke fyll inn i de enkelte feltene "Work Experience", "Education" osv.

Merk at søknadsfristen er innen 07.02.2025.

Apply Before:

February 8, 2025


ConocoPhillips’ sponsorship for employment authorization in the country where this job is located is NOT available for this position.


ConocoPhillips is an equal opportunity employer.

Candidate "How to Guide" (https://hrcpdocctr.conocophillips.com/Documents/StaffingExpress/Set_Up_Candidate_Acct.pdf)

ConocoPhillips: Accountability + Performance

We're ConocoPhillips, a global oil and gas company with thousands of people challenged with an important job - to safely find and deliver energy for the world.

Veteran Spotlight

Becky Peavler

“One of the things I liked most about the Army was the camaraderie and ‘unit first’ aspect of Solider life. When I left the military, I had the opportunity to be a consultant and work with a variety of clients in the oil and gas industry. What drew me to ConocoPhillips was the culture of how they treated people. Even as a consult I knew the support I was providing was valued and I felt like part of the team. As an employee, I have traveled to most of our global office locations and experienced the same positive teamwork culture everywhere I have visited. Now as a leader in the company, I am empowered to reinforce our People and Teamwork pillars of our SPIRIT values.”

Click Here to learn more about Becky

Mike Timmcke

“ConocoPhillips is a great place to work for Veterans and current Reservists. I have always been impressed with how the company lives up to it’s SPIRIT values which are well aligned with core Military Service values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. The skills and experiences I gained in the U.S. Navy has opened up many new and challenging leadership opportunities with the company and helped to advance my career at ConocoPhillips. The company has supported my involvement with establishment of the first Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post in Australia through the Employee Volunteer Grant Program and direct sponsorship of VFW events. I firmly believe that ConocoPhillips values the experience and service of military veterans and rewards hard work and commitment with outstanding career development opportunities. I highly recommend ConocoPhillips as an employer of choice for any veteran.”

Click Here to learn more about Mike